This is a preorder. The album will be shipped in April 2025.
Releasing an album is like casting music out of a safe haven unto the roiling waves of the outside world. Will the wind catch the tunes and sweep them up, will the ocean swell drown out the sounds, will the currents lead the lyrics to foreign shores? Cesair’s album "Haven" has found its way to numerous different shores, carried by the waves of an inspiring and loving community. Songs like Storm, Ani Ana, Luscinia, Huldana and Mélusine have not only made a journey of their own across the seas of music, they have been returned to Cesair through the work of amazing artists. These reflections carry the core of the original song, departed from that safe haven, reshaped through the inspiration and creativity of our fellow travelers. Cesair would like to share these reflections with all of you and is proud to present a limited edition EP with five remixes.
Relish in the dark vibes of a reimagined Storm by Guido Bergman (Shireen, Alien Vampires, Madmancircus), savour the alternate realities of Luscinia by pagan folktronica duo EMIAN, move your feet to the beats of Ani Ana made anew by legendary electro fest noz wizards Plantec, bask in the glory of an invigorated Huldana by Igorrr’s little brother Arno Polet (Rastaban, La Horde) and follow the crew of the Last Gunship to an interplanetary Mélusine.